Project Publications
Vitos, B, G St John & F Gauthier. 2022. “Burning Man in Europe: Burns, Culture and Transformation.” In Maria Nita & Jeremy Kidwell eds., Festival Cultures: Mapping New Fields in the Arts and Social Sciences. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 87-114. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-88392-8_5
St John, G. 2022. “Sherpagate’: Art, Tourists and Drama at Burning Man.” In Maria Nita & Jeremy Kidwell eds., Festival Cultures: Mapping New Fields in the Arts and Social Sciences. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 169-193. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-88392-8_8
St John, G. 2020. "Ephemeropolis: Burning Man, Transformation and Heterotopia." Journal of Festive Studies, 2.1: 289-322.
St John, G. 2020. “Dramatic Heterotopia: The Participatory Spectacle of Burning Man.” In Simon Ferdinand, Irina Souch and Daan Wesselman eds, Interrupting Globalisation: Heterotopia in the Twenty-First Century, 178–194. New York: Routledge.
St John, G. 2019. "At Home in the Big Empty: Burning Man and the Playa Sublime." Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 13 (3): 286–313.
St John, G. 2019. "The Cultural Heroes of Do-ocracy: Burning Man, Catharsis on the Mall and Caps of Liberty." Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies 15(1).
St John, G. 2018. "The Big Empty." Aeon 10 Sep.
St John, G. 2018. "Civilised Tribalism: Burning Man, Event-Tribes and Maker Culture." Cultural Sociology. 12(1): 3–21.
St John, G. 2017. "Blazing Grace: The Gifted Culture of Burning Man." NANO: New American Notes Online, 11 (July), Special issue (Economies of the Gift in an Age of Austerity) edited by Jennie Stearns and J.P. Craig.
St John, G. & Gauthier, F. 2015. "Burning Man's Gift Driven Event Culture." Revue du MAUSS (24 Jan).
St John, G. 2014. "Researching the Burning Man Diaspora." Burning Man Journal (28 Feb).